Thursday, November 01, 2007

Long Time Coming...but I'm back!!! Watch Out World!

Sorry about the delay in updating my blog. Life surely does get in the way.

But here goes, I took a break from acting and the art world (at least performing at both, while spending my free time getting myself back in shape). As some of you know, after several years, actually almost a decade of 'pain' in my right foot, I broke down (no pun intended) and had surgery last summer (2006) on it. And almost a year later, I am still recovering from that. And learning that recovery from the doctors handywork isn't as simple or quick as one might hope or think it would be. As the good doctor told me afterwards 'You know Neil, the foots never going to be like it was, before the pain began.' Nice, huh?

During my so-called recovery, I've had the chance to rediscover my love of acting and painting. And enjoyed seeing a lot of amazIng performances and imagery.

The biggest highlight of the year for me was the celebration for Israel Hrovitz's Line. On 4/14/07, the play celebrated it's 40th anniversary at LaMama, the location where the play was first intoduced. I had the extreme pleasure in performing a scene from the play with several very talented actors including Maureen O'Boyle Joe Wortman, Nixon Cesar & Liche Ariza. In the photo showcased besides the cast, Edith O'Hara (TSRC director) is seen. It was a great event, one which I will cherish for ever.

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