Saturday, May 14, 2016

So glad I was easily talked into doing this

As mentioned in my previous posting here on my blog, while plying my trade at The Thirteenth Street Repertory Company, Without much of an effort, I was talked into writing down my stories, my tales of woe, or simply to answer the question Why hadn't I ever gotten married? 
Well from those discussions, came 'What's wrong with this picture? I'm in it!' my first produced play. The play was originally produced and premiered at the rep in 2003. And in 2004, I was very happy to announce that a revised version of it, had been accepted into and produced at The 2004 International Fringe Festival in New York, and showcased at The Soho Playhouse
Showcased here are a few scenes from the video recording of one of the performances at The Soho Playhouse.

As mentioned in my previous blog, that production is now available to watch online on  

Please check it out:

Please check out my writers pages on my main website and wrong fringe

Until next time, Neil

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